justin 6th July 2020

💔💔💔 Kerry I just can not process this and am having to keep reminding myself its really happened and that we will never be able to have the long overdue catch up we should of had years ago. I can never put in to words what I feel right now and I can never put in to words how grateful I am for all you did for me my whole life. Dragging me and Luke away from London was the best thing that anyone could of done for us and that was just the tip of the iceberg. All I can do now is promise you that Myself, Shelley, Brooke and Bayley will be the best brother/sister in law to Carla and the best Uncle/aunty and cousins to Sam & Rosie. Just wish you were here to see us all together as I know this would of made you so very happy. I hope we all make you so very proud for the rest of our days. I would do anything to hear your mad laugh again and would even settle for one of the dreaded early morning phone calls... i wouldnt even ignore it and wait until the afternoon to call you back (yes I think we all did this🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣😂) I hope you knew how much I loved you brother Kerry 💔💔💔